Greenbank Progressive ClubApr 25, 2019 2:57pm

Greenbank Progressive Club meeting and potluck May 9th, 2019

The Greenbank Progressive Club will hold its monthly potluck dinner and meeting on Thursday, May 9th in the Barn at the Greenbank Farm. Meet and greet will begin at 6:00 PM with dinner at 6:30 PM.  Everyone is invited and asked to bring a dish to share and their own table service. Because there are no kitchen facilities available at the Farm, please bring serving utensils for your food item and plan on taking all dishes and left overs home for cleanup.

This evening’s program will be presented by Jen and Josh Peters, owners of Farmer and the Vine, a wine bar in Bayview, at the site of the old Blooms wine bar.  They serve and sell wine, ciders and small plates, and focus on locally available products. Jen and Josh are members of GPC, but have not attended for awhile as they have been busy getting their business up and running. Come and hear what they have accomplished.

For further information contact 360-678-6630.

Greenbank Progressive ClubApr 25, 2019 2:57pm

Greenbank Progressive Club meeting and potluck May 9th, 2019

The Greenbank Progressive Club will hold its monthly potluck dinner and meeting on Thursday, May 9th in the Barn at the Greenbank Farm. Meet and greet will begin at 6:00 PM with dinner at 6:30 PM.  Everyone is invited and asked to bring a dish to share and their own table service. Because there are no kitchen facilities available at the Farm, please bring serving utensils for your food item and plan on taking all dishes and left overs home for cleanup.

This evening’s program will be presented by Jen and Josh Peters, owners of Farmer and the Vine, a wine bar in Bayview, at the site of the old Blooms wine bar.  They serve and sell wine, ciders and small plates, and focus on locally available products. Jen and Josh are members of GPC, but have not attended for awhile as they have been busy getting their business up and running. Come and hear what they have accomplished.

For further information contact 360-678-6630.

Greenbank Progressive ClubFeb 12, 2019 1:59pm

Community Potluck & Greenbank Progressive Club Meeting - Thursday, February 14, 2019 at 6pm

We will be meeting on Thursday, February 14th at 6:00 PM at the Greenbank Farm in the Barn. This meeting is a very important one because there are 4 items on the agenda that will require a vote by the membership. These items will deal with the contract for the repairs of the clubhouse, the kind of roof, the kitchen cabinets and the floor. We need to approve the contract immediately so that the contractor can get started. There has been some discussion as to whether we should keep our historic style with our beautiful wooden floors, the same style of roof and the cabinets in the kitchen. We need your vote on each item which will determine how we proceed. 

Dues are currently due for 2019 and since we need money to pay for rental of the Barn for our meetings and regular operating costs please come ready to pay $15 per person if you have not already given your money to Karen Rohrer, Treasurer.

This will be our regular potluck with social time at 6 PM and dinner starting at 6:30 PM. Please bring a food item to share for the potluck. Since we do not have access to the kitchen please bring your own dishes and utensils and a sack to take your used dishes, bottles, cups and glasses home with you. 

The program for the evening will be a short history of Valentines Day and a baby shower for Sam and Caitlin Stanton. f you are so inclined, please bring either a baby boy gift or a frozen food dish for their use. Please include a card with your name on your gift to them. This is not a surprise shower.

We look forward to seeing as many of our members as possible for this very important meeting.

Greenbank Progressive ClubFeb 12, 2019 1:59pm

Community Potluck & Greenbank Progressive Club Meeting - Thursday, February 14, 2019 at 6pm

We will be meeting on Thursday, February 14th at 6:00 PM at the Greenbank Farm in the Barn. This meeting is a very important one because there are 4 items on the agenda that will require a vote by the membership. These items will deal with the contract for the repairs of the clubhouse, the kind of roof, the kitchen cabinets and the floor. We need to approve the contract immediately so that the contractor can get started. There has been some discussion as to whether we should keep our historic style with our beautiful wooden floors, the same style of roof and the cabinets in the kitchen. We need your vote on each item which will determine how we proceed. 

Dues are currently due for 2019 and since we need money to pay for rental of the Barn for our meetings and regular operating costs please come ready to pay $15 per person if you have not already given your money to Karen Rohrer, Treasurer.

This will be our regular potluck with social time at 6 PM and dinner starting at 6:30 PM. Please bring a food item to share for the potluck. Since we do not have access to the kitchen please bring your own dishes and utensils and a sack to take your used dishes, bottles, cups and glasses home with you. 

The program for the evening will be a short history of Valentines Day and a baby shower for Sam and Caitlin Stanton. f you are so inclined, please bring either a baby boy gift or a frozen food dish for their use. Please include a card with your name on your gift to them. This is not a surprise shower.

We look forward to seeing as many of our members as possible for this very important meeting.

Greenbank Progressive ClubJan 15, 2019 11:13am

Greenbank Clubhouse Hit by Falling Tree in Windstorm

For news coverage, please see the Whidbey News-Times article by clicking here. On December 20, 2018, a winter wind storm knocked down a tree adjacent to the clubhouse, damaging a large portion of the building. The Progressive Club and our leadership are working with our insurance company to restore the building in-kind as soon as possible. We appreciate the goodwill of the Greenbank and larger Island community.

Though we are keeping the restoration to replacement in-kind of what was damaged, we are looking at a large number of expenses outside our planned 2019 budget. If you care to give to the restoration effort, please consider mailing a donation to:

Greenbank Progressive Club
Attn: Treasurer Karen Rohrer
PO Box 52
Greenbank, WA 98253

As a nonprofit organization, your donation is tax-deductible to the full extent allowed by Washington state law. Thank you for considering helping!

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