Greenbank Progressive ClubOct 27, 2021 11:29am

Greenbank Progressive Club meeting on Thursday, November 11, 2021

The Greenbank Progressive Club will hold its monthly meeting at 6:30 PM on Thursday, November 11, 2021. This will be an in-person event in the Clubhouse with a Zoom option for those who wish to participate remotely.

Meeting ID: 856 6367 4807

Passcode: 813894

The program for November will be presented by Bob Stevens, E.C., and Charlie Knutila, A.E.C., of the Island County ARES (Amateur Radio Emergency Service).

The topic is the role of amateur radio operators in Island commmunications.

Meet and greet starts at 6:30 PM. Program begins at 7:00 PM.

Bring your own beverage, if desired, but there will be no potluck this month.
Per State and County guidelines, masks are required indoors unless actively drinking and eating. 
Vaccinations are strongly recommended.

Holiday Boutique 

Greenbank Progressive Club meeting on Thursday, October 14, 2021 

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