Greenbank Progressive ClubFeb 28, 2019 8:51am

Donate on GoFundMe to Repair & Refurb the Clubhouse!


**If you prefer you can donate directly to the club and not via gofundme, if you aren’t comfortable donating online. 
​Send checks to  Greenbank Progressive Club, PO BOX 52, Greenbank, WA 98253**

A huge tree fell into the center of the clubhouse in the wind storm of December 2018.  Insurance covers the structural damage but we are reaching out to the community for help.  We need to cover the cost of tree removal and our insurance deductible.  For a much-needed upgrade, we would need a total of $15,000.

We NEED AN UPGRADE to our 70-year-old kitchen.  The kitchen needs to be rebuilt and upgraded to best serve the many groups using the clubhouse.  The upgrade would add new appliances, countertops, a venting system, an island, and additional storage, and restoring the original cabinets.

The Greenbank Progressive Club built the clubhouse to serve the community.  It continues to be a community gathering place since 1949 when it was completed.  The Progressive Club started in September of 1920 and will celebrate its 100th year in 2020.   The Greenbank Garden Club, Coupeville Lions and other groups helped with the cost of construction and building of the original building.  The Greenbank Garden Club continues with care and maintenance of the gardens.

People from all over the island are members of the club and it continues to be used by individuals and multiple groups for meetings and events such as the  Greenbank Garden Club, Island County Master Gardener, water associations, weddings, birthdays, showers, retirement, reunions, craft fairs, art, memorials, dance, and music groups and quilters, and many more.

We serve the community by maintaining the building for the community.  

Your donation is greatly appreciated towards our goals and getting our historic clubhouse up to the 21 century.

Thank you,

The Greenbank Progressive Club Membership

Greenbank Progressive Club meeting and potluck May 9th, 2019

Donate on GoFundMe to Repair & Refurb the Clubhouse!

Donate on GoFundMe to Repair & Refurb the Clubhouse!

Community Potluck & Greenbank Progressive Club Meeting - Thursday, February 14, 2019 at 6pm

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