Greenbank Progressive ClubSep 2, 2019 8:44pm

Greenbank Progressive Club monthly potluck dinner and meeting on Thursday, September 12th at the Clubhouse 

Please mark your calendars for our September meeting and potluck. For those of you who didn’t come to the yard sale and haven’t been to the Clubhouse, you are in for a big and pleasant surprise. We are so proud of the changes and the way it has all come together. The Committee deserves a huge load of thanks!

The Greenbank Progressive Club will hold its monthly potluck dinner and meeting on Thursday, September 12th at the Bakken & Firehouse Roads Clubhouse in Greenbank. There will be no speaker this meeting. It will be a catch-up on all the happenings with the club and just a general, post-summer get together and a chance to see and enjoy our newly restored hall.

Meet and greet will begin at 6:00 PM with dinner at 6:30 PM.  Everyone is invited and asked to bring a dish to share and their own table service. 

For more information, please call 360-678-5562. For rental of the Greenbank Hall, please call 360-678-4813.

COVID-19 Update December 2020

Greenbank Progressive Club monthly potluck dinner and meeting on Thursday, September 12th at the Clubhouse 

Greenbank Progressive Club monthly potluck dinner and meeting on Thursday, September 12th at the Clubhouse 

Greenbank Progressive Club meeting and potluck May 9th, 2019

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